Friday, September 07, 2012

Missed Opportunities

(NOTE: For Saturday, Sept 8 PUNE races analysis, please click here)

The gentleman who asked me why I tipped Catharsis against Bizarro (please refer Comments section in the Katrak interview) was kind enough to mail me the original list I had painstakingly prepared for the My Stable column at for the Pune season.

One glance at the list is enough to give the proof of both--the system's power & my own criminal negligence in managing to lose the list--as 14 of the 36 horses have already won so far, one of them more than once.

I shudder to think how many times I have tipped AGAINST my own My Stable list horses out of ignorance. 

One never ceases to learn the hard way.

My apologies to the dedicated followers of My Stable.


  1. Thanks a lot for uploading.


  2. Prakash Ji,Is it visible to see. or shall i send the list by Courier immediately.

  3. Festival Night from the My stable Pune List own today at 10 to 1


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