Thursday, July 30, 2009

FINOO bets (Bangalore, Friday, July 31)

FINOO (Follow-In-Next-Outing-Only) bets
for Friday (July 31) Bangalore races:

Saptashwa (5-2)

Good luck.
Latest update on Indiarace (9:55 am): The site has been cleaned, and is back to normal functioning. All links on Toolbar directing to Indiarace have been restored.
Blog Moderator

Indiarace under virus attack: If you are our Toolbar user and are surprised to find this page instead of being directed to another page, please read this carefully.

As a routine check to ensure that all our Toolbar users surf safely, we run a "safety check" of all racing sites listed on our toolbar. The check that was run today morning at 5:58 am showed that Indiarace has yet again come under the virus attack.

We have, for the time being, taken off ALL links to the Indiarace site, but we also request our visitors NOT to visit Indiarace website until our safety check clears the site as "safe for use".

If you have already visited the Indiarace site today and have reason to believe your system has caught the virus, please read this article (click here) which you may find helpful.

Just now I have informed Mr Gosavi about this, and he will keep in touch with Indiarace representative through the day to monitor the site's progress. Be sure we will bring it back on our Toolbar as soon as it is safe to do so.

Blog Moderator
Note: You can watch yesterday's Bangalore races on Race TV channel of our FREE toolbar.
Blog Moderator


  1. hello you are wast for racing pls. close your blog and start to follow to other blogs

  2. Initially I thought we should not respond against these comments, but I believe there is a limit, is there any way we can stop this?

  3. sir I am the follower of ur blog n viewing all ur comments regularly I feel ur the best in class becuz u don't suggest all races n pick only good ones plz continue sir n plz don't give importance to thee loosers so called wastebodies chears with full support

  4. @chinna
    i gues this guy dint bet on 43 or 73 and has lost huge money today, so frustration is making him talk ... ignore ignore sir!!
    small story - always at the turning there was this dog barking at my car, not seen since couple of days! i guess its dead! ha ha
    U ROCK PG! keep up the good work

  5. Nearly three weeks ago, I threw open this blog for "unmoderated" comments and expected trouble earlier, but there was none.

    But I have not done it blindly. If I want to go after a miscreant, I can (and will!) hound him to his home and the particular computer from which he came and shat on my blog.

    Chinna, this is the first and final warning to you to stay off this blog. In case you think these are empty words, here is your net "kundali" in detail:
    You are from Hyderabad, using NIB (National Internet Backbone) internet service. Your computer has Windows XP installed on it, your screen resolution is 1024x768, and your browser is Internet explorer (IE) 8.0. You came on my blog at 9:10:22 pm and spent 3 minutes 28 seconds in which you posted the comment and also re-checked that it has appeared as written.

    The next time you show up on this blog and try to act funny, be sure I will hound you down to Hyderabad and see to it that you are put behind bars for at least 48 hours (that's minimum under the cyber law).

    Don't mess with me.

    Prakash Gosavi

  6. Right now you have logged in again Chinna and your ISP is "FIXED", the IP address is

    Now get one thing straight. It will take me only half a day to reach the particular computer from which you did this mischief because whatever you do, you cannot change the address of a fixed IP address.

    Want me to come after you?

  7. Dear Prakash,
    All the very best for 5-2. I am positive that a 3yr old will win the race. I am your admirer and keenly follow your posts on your Blog.

  8. Looks like this is now a regular thing at IR. Thank you for taking so much care of your visitors. I am impressed.

  9. Sir, who is this chinna idiot , Pl dont waste your precious time in replying to these kind of monkeys. He himself will realise his mistake.
    .. knkumar

  10. good very good sir u had ver nice thing by giving a good lesson to chinna. ha ha ha aaj aya hai oont pahaad k neeche
    sir forget about these type of people
    u r doing fantastic job
    and finoo is out standing
    i have full faith in finno and it is my firm believe that one day i will overcome my financial problems and i will b able to give u a gift(guru dakshina)
    thanks and regards

  11. keep up the good work sir
    u help many ppl wit the little time u spend
    ppl like chinna are just frustrated sir!!!!
    good day

  12. Jawnsin said......
    Mr Prakash, are you so confident of your visitors that you have got rid of your "mod".....?
    Jul 16, 2009 9:26:00 PM
    Prakash Gosavi said...
    Well, at least there is no harm in trying, Jawnsin.. .........
    Now this is the harm I was scared of...for there are many such rogues lurking to involve in such deviltry, that you almost lost your poise and composure.Now that you have given him a piece of your mind you may carry on undeterred .

  13. iam wacthing your blog from last 3 days its amazing keep it up if possible put some light on how to do handicapping personally


Wish to post as "Anonymous"? Not a problem.
But a better way is to use the Name/URL option and take up some net name of your choice. That way your privacy is protected and other readers can associate your thoughts with your web personality. Think about it.
A sincere appeal by Prakash Gosavi, blog owner